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What’s the story behind DI Designs? (part 2)

Pippa Cowling, co-director at DI Designs chats all things furniture design, sustainability, adapting the business and what to look out for next at DI Designs

Q: What paths led you to become a furniture supplier?

A: A winding path led me to become a furniture supplier! My background was advertising so I’d always enjoyed working in a creative environment.  I joined the DI team (originally set up by my husband David and Ian) in 2013 after taking time out to raise our young family, as David was leaving to join a new start-up furniture manufacturing business.  It was a natural progression to step into his shoes so really Ian inherited me rather than chose me!  Luckily it has worked out well as we have the same work ethics and thoughts regarding moving DI forwards.

Q: The business has grown steadily and has an established market presence; what do you attribute this to?

A: No. 1 – Communication.  We have always tried hard to listen to our clients’ growing needs and requirements.  We then react and implicate change when needed particularly in the last few years concentrating on our online presence with the ability also for clients to order directly online; a much heavier Instagram & Pinterest presence and of course keeping designs current, fresh and affordable.

Q: How do you decide which products to source/how do you design & create your latest collections? Where do you draw your inspiration from when deciding what to sell?

A: Most of the designs we stock are our own – we design pieces that work and have been regularly requested based on size, design, finish or giving factory designs our own personal twist – for example changing a leg feature, updating a handle or perhaps trying a new colourway.  We draw inspiration from visiting furniture shows overseas, keeping up with market trends and spending time travelling to distant shores when we can.

Q: What interior trends have you seen the industry move towards/away from in the last few years?

A: The main move for the entire industry has been towards sustainability.  We too have tried hard to incorporate this into our offering, in particular the packaging.  We are almost 90% recyclable now and are always looking at ways we can further improve and we would love to one day produce an entirely recycled product.  The trend has been moving steadily away from bling (thank goodness!) which was always quite popular for hotels and showhomes and has moved towards a much more natural, zen like environment; everyone is very much more in tune with which look they would like for their home and obviously since the pandemic quite often the home is now a workspace too so it’s important for pieces to be adaptable as well as still being stylish.

Q: How have customer tastes and requirements changed in recent years?

A: We have bought in many more natural looking pieces – aged oak in particular is a winner with our client base – everyone loves the Witley and Odiham which we have introduced recently as well as the hugely popular Bentley and Pershore – these pieces are timeless and still just as successful as they were when we first introduced them.  We have also introduced more desks – useful for those working from home.  We have a couple of lovely new ranges arriving shortly – oak based – a new bedroom range, the Frensham and also a new dining table – the Hackwood – they will be on our website imminently.

Q: What are the main challenges faced by DI Designs?

A: Keeping on top of all rising costs that we’ve been hit with – huge hikes with shipping and raw material plus fuel charges are currently a challenge.

Q: Which aspects of the job do you most enjoy?

A: I love creating and thinking about new pieces and talking daily with clients.  I also adore the travels.

Q: Which collections are the most enduring/popular/sell out the quickest?

A: I would say the Bentley is our most enduring and popular piece – items that sell the quickest are probably our more value range pieces like the Cheriton, Tunworth and Hanley – key pieces for our showhome market and kids/guest rooms in private homes.

Look out for the Radford – this too will be another versatile, easy to use piece coming soon!

Q: Describe a typical day at DI Designs

A: Luckily Ian and I both have offices in our own homes so the commute is minimal!  I try and get to my desk first thing, check orders and emails that have come in overnight from either factories or clients.  Ian and I normally have a catchup first thing to discuss anything outstanding or check if anything needs to be prioritised during the day, then it’s just processing orders – sent direct to me or through the website; working on delivery runs each week and sorting logistic issues with Steve our fab driver which does tend to take up more and more time as we have many more deliveries than we used to.  The day is peppered with drinking countless cups of coffee and herbal tea and I do always try to fit in a dog walk too – good for Marmite the border terrier and my headspace!

Q: What can customers expect from DI Designs in the next couple of years?

A: For us to become No. 1 supplier to the trade.  Many more designs! Constantly updated tech – clients can now download stock feeds direct from us 24/7 but there are always improvements to be made – we are looking into barcoding all stock currently – key for stock control and something we are being asked for more by our online clients.  We would like to add more upholstered ranges – be able to be a one stop shop and the first go to supplier for any trade client.

Importantly, we are always here to listen to our customers and help in any way we can.

Please get in touch on 01962 771725 or [email protected]

Take a look at our collections which are all on the website

What’s the story behind DI Designs? (part 2)